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Celica Thellier d'Auzers

Co-Founder - COO, ChooseMyCompany

Celica Thellier d'Auzers

Celica Thellier is co-founder and Chief Research Officer of ChooseMyCompany where she directs research activities and builds the ChooseMyCompany Academy, the Qualiopi Certified Training and Consulting Center. A company with a mission (within the meaning of the Pacte Law); ChooseMyCompany's purpose is ‘To Improve the Relationship to Work for All’.
Thanks to SaaS software and the website, Celica and her team collect, analyze and publish the certified ESG opinions of more than 16 million employees, interns / work-study students, candidates, students, customers and suppliers.
Celica works in particular with organizations such as Orange, Accenture, L'Oréal, LVMH and Stellantis / PSA as well as the Ecole Polytechnique, Audencia, HEC, Centrale Paris, the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles, the National Assembly…
Before founding ChooseMyCompany, Celica held various positions within the Marketing and Human Resources teams at L’Oréal, both at European level and in the United States. An American citizen, Celica is a graduate of Princeton University and HEC School.

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